Help Center / Account & Billing / Billing / What happens when I run out of event capacity and a grace period is triggered?

What happens when I run out of event capacity and a grace period is triggered?

Normally, Sentry begins to discard events as soon as your organization depletes its event capacity. However, we understand that errors can come in spikes and service interruptions can be challenging, so we include a one time grace period for all paid accounts.

If an account depletes its event capacity and has never previously triggered a grace period, we continue to accept events for the next 3 days at a maximum rate of 10K events per hour. If you choose not to increase your capacity, Sentry will stop accepting events for the remainder of the current billing month. However, if you increase your capacity, events accepted during the grace period will be counted as consumed capacity.

Once you’ve used your grace period, we recommend using our on-demand spending caps to ensure you have time to adjust your capacity in the event of a spike in errors.

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