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Metrics beta FAQs

Q: What is Metrics?
A: Metrics is a new feature that helps teams measure and visualize custom metrics, like processing time, checkout conversion rate, or user sign-ups, or explore out-of-the-box metrics, like transaction duration, to make it easy to spot any issues. If Metrics reveal an unexpected spike or dip, teams can drill into specific events and use correlated traces to solve the cause of the issue. Learn more in our docs.

Q: Who is eligible for the Metrics beta?
A: Metrics is currently available for accounts at a certain scale. If you would like to expedite access to Metrics, sign up for the waitlist here.

Q: Which languages and platforms does Metrics currently support?
A: Metrics currently supports the following SDKs, with more coming soon:

  • Backend SDKs – Java, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Rust
  • Frontend SDKs – JavaScript
  • Mobile SDKs – Java, React Native
  • Other SDKs - .NET, Unity

Q: How much will Metrics cost during the beta?
A: Metrics will be free to use for the duration of the beta period. We do plan to charge for it in the future once it becomes generally available. We are still finalizing pricing and will communicate any future costs ASAP, well before billing starts. As we do with all our pricing, we will strive to make Metrics pricing accessible, flexible, and predictable.

Q: How can I get started?
A: If you don’t yet have Metrics enabled in you account (you will see the “Metrics” tab in the left nav bar if you do), then sign up for the waitlist here. Once enabled, check out our docs for more details or get help on Discord or GitHub.

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