Help Center / Account & Billing / Billing / When should I delete events?

When should I delete events?

Deleting all your issues to just get rid of them may be tempting, but in many cases it’s a temporary fix, and there are better solutions. If none of these situations apply, it might be appropriate to delete the events.

I have a lot of similar issues that aren’t being grouped together

Issues are grouped together based on the algorithms shown here. You can set up SDK fingerprinting to override the default grouping, or look at the Fingerprint Rules (Server-side fingerprinting) and Stack Trace Rules (Grouping enchancements).

After setting this up, you may want to merge the previous issues together to clean up the UI.

I don’t want to see these issues

You can filter out a number of commonly unwanted issues from the UI by navigating to your Project > Settings > Inbound Filters.

Most of our SDKs support custom filtering. Read how to configure your SDK to determine which events to send/not send here.

These issues aren’t a problem anymore

You may want to resolve the issues instead, which can be helpful if you want to search for them later on.

I’ve used up too much of my quota

Deleting an issue won’t affect your quota, as it’s already been processed by Sentry. See What counts towards my event quota for more information.

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